How Journey Maps Can Make Customer Experiences More Valuable?

In the fast-evolving world of customer experience (CX), understanding the intricacies of the customer journey is crucial for creating meaningful and valuable interactions. Journey maps, which visualize the steps customers take as they interact with a company, are indispensable tools for experience strategists and CX professionals. They not only highlight areas for improvement but also help in aligning business objectives with customer jobs to be done (needs that customers are willing to pay you to do for them or help them with). This article delves into how journey maps can enhance customer experiences by using journey maps to align on how to deliver three distinct types of time that customers value: time well saved, time well spent, and time well invested. 

1. Time Well Saved: Efficiency and Convenience 

Customers today expect efficiency and convenience. They value experiences that allow them to achieve their goals quickly and with minimal effort. But it isn’t enough to just be convenient; the time saved has to be felt and valued by customers.  

Key Objective: Get from thought to action faster. 


  • Streamline Processes: Identify and eliminate bottlenecks in the customer journey. For example, simplifying the checkout process on an e-commerce site can significantly reduce cart abandonment rates. 

  • Leverage Technology: Implementing chatbots for instant customer support or using AI to predict and address customer needs proactively can save time and enhance satisfaction. 

  • Customization: Tailor the experience to individual preferences, past behaviors, context, and situations. Individualized recommendations can reduce decision-making time, increase conversion rates, and improve the customer’s ability to get their jobs done. 

By focusing on time well saved, for transactional experiences, companies can ensure that customers feel their time is respected and valued. But, look for useful ways to add meaning and time well spent to experiences to increase customer satisfaction and loyalty. 

2. Time Well Spent: Meaningful Engagement and Enjoyment 

While efficiency is important, customers also seek enjoyable and engaging experiences. Time well spent is about making interactions delightful, memorable, and meaningful. 

Key Objective: Increase the level of meaning in the experience. Meaningful experiences are not just enjoyable, but they strengthen customers and those they care about in a range of lighthearted and more earnest ways.  


  • Create Immersive Experiences: Develop engaging content and interactive features that captivate customers. For instance, virtual try-ons in fashion retail can enhance the shopping experience. 

  • Enhance Customer Support: Providing knowledgeable and empathetic customer service can turn potentially frustrating interactions into positive ones. Empower support teams with the tools and training needed to solve problems effectively. 

  • Foster Community: Building a sense of community around your brand can make interactions more meaningful. Encourage user-generated content and facilitate forums or social media groups where customers can connect. 

Investing in time well spent ensures that customers not only achieve their goals but also enjoy the journey, fostering a deeper connection with and loyalty to the brand. You can learn more about how to deliver meaningful experiences in this earlier Stone Mantel blog post.  

3. Time Well Invested: Long-Term Value and Learning 

Time well invested focuses on experiences that provide long-term value, helping customers grow, learn, or achieve significant outcomes. 

Key Objective: Know how to better support their aspirational jobs to be done.  

Time well-invested positions the company as a partner in the customer's transformation, contributing to long-term satisfaction and loyalty. You can learn more in our Harvard Business Review article on The New You Economy and our series on meaningful motivation.   

Adding Value through Journey Maps 

Journey maps can add value by showcasing within the customer’s milestones for getting a job done how the organization can help customers: 

  1. Get from Thought to Action Faster: Streamlining the journey to eliminate unnecessary steps and reduce friction. 

  1. Better Supporting Customer Needs: Understanding and addressing the specific jobs the customers are trying to accomplish and how to more fully support the functional, emotional, social, aspirational, and systemic elements of that job to be done. 

  1. Improved Understanding of Different Customer Situations: Journeys are not linear, nor are they the same for each customer; use research to understand critical situational differences in journeys and design experiences that are modular for better contextual support.  

  1. Increasing the Level of Meaning in the Experience: Creating engaging and meaningful interactions that resonate with and delight customers. 

Learn more about how to add value to Journey Maps in our posts on what to include in a future-focused journey map and pairing a journey map with a mode map.  

Filling Knowledge Gaps with Ethnographic Research 

To create accurate and effective journey maps, it’s essential to fill knowledge gaps about customer behaviors, motivations, and pain points. Ethnographic research and one-on-one discussions provide rich, qualitative insights that are invaluable for this purpose. 

  • Ethnographic Research: This method involves observing customers in their natural environments to gain a deep understanding of their behaviors and experiences. It can reveal unarticulated needs and preferences that might not surface through surveys or quantitative methods. 

  • One-on-One Discussions: Conducting in-depth interviews with customers can uncover detailed insights about their journey, challenges, and expectations. Using rich stimulus, such as visual aids or prototypes, during these discussions can help elicit more nuanced feedback. 

By incorporating these qualitative research methods, experience strategists and CX professionals can create more accurate and empathetic journey maps that not only reflect the customer experience but also illustrate how to better deliver value for customers’ time. 

In Summary 

Journey maps are powerful tools that can transform customer experiences by focusing on time well saved, time well spent, and time well invested. By streamlining processes, creating engaging interactions, and providing long-term value, companies can enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty. Filling knowledge gaps through ethnographic research and one-on-one discussions ensures that journey maps are grounded in a deep understanding of customer needs and behaviors. As a result, experience strategists and CX professionals can design experiences that are not only efficient and enjoyable but also meaningful and valuable. 


Experience Strategy Podcast: Enhancing Customer Experiences with Driving Business Value with AR/VR


What Do You Include in a Future-Focused Journey Map?