Welcome to Our New Site
Hooray! There’s nothing more exciting than the launch of a new company website. Especially when so much has changed! Stone Mantel has a new tagline that better represents the range of work we do. Our domain name has changed.
It’s all part of the amazing growth and changes that are occurring at Stone Mantel. We are still the best boutique consultancy for experience research and design. We are also the home of The Collaboratives, the program that has guided some of the best brands in the world to new frontiers. And we still “find the experiences that matter” – our old tagline.
What has changed is our scope and our reach. Everyday companies entrust Stone Mantel with their most strategic challenges. Across the board. Healthcare companies focused on hybrid experiences. Technology companies trying to build smart homes of the future. Retailers digging their way out of 2020. Travel companies doing much the same. And financial institutions thinking about the future. It doesn’t matter if you are b2b or b2c or both, if you are focused on your customers, you need strategies that work. Whether your experiences are digital, IRL, or both, you need to stay ahead of the game.
We have the expertise and insights to guide you and to help you turn customer needs into strategies that work.
Our new tagline: The Experience Strategy Company
Our new domain: StoneMantel.co
Engage with our team and see why our changes will make you even more strategic!